jueves, 7 de enero de 2016

Mejores albumes de Rock Melódico AOR del 2015

This is my definitive list of the best albums of Melodic Rock AOR from 2015.

Y este es mi lista definitiva de los mejores; según mi opinión, Discos de Rock Melódico/ AOR para el 2015 que se nos fue.

1er puesto: Care of Night - Connected

Melodies, harmonies... ALL is HERE. 90/100

2° Issa - Crossfire

3° Blood Red Saints - Speedway

4° Khymera - The Grand Design

5° Find Me - Dark Angel
"Bleed in the Rain" love this song and possibly the song of the year. Terrific!

6° Praying Mantis - Legacy

"The One" Perfect AOR song, Perfect album!

7° CWF - Champlin/ Williams/ Friestedt

8° Art Nation - Revolution

9° C.O.P. - State of Rock

10° A.O.R. - Return to L.A.

Special Mention
Mención especial

Radioactive - Four

Zaneta - Tales from the Sun

Constancia - Final Curtain

Crossrock - Come on Baby

Power Play - All Those Years

HAPPY 2016 :-)

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